Small Batch Flourless Vegan Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies (GF, Vegan)

vegan, gf, chocolate chip peanut butter cookie

I’m eating two of these small batch flourless (GF) vegan chocolate chip peanut butter cookies as I write this and appreciating how rich and chewy they are. It’s impossible to eat just one (trust me….I’ve tried).  My husband says the are decadent like a “brownie-cookie”. Sounds good no?

Unlike some vegan, GF cookies, which are crumbly or taste like cardboard, these delicious treats TASTE sinful but secretly use healthier ingredients like GF oats, unsweetened dried coconut, and peanut only – peanut butter while omitting oil, flour, eggs, and dairy altogether. They also avoid highly processed ingredients like soy lecithin, palm oil, etc.

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