15 Habits for a Keeping a Tidy “Vegan” Kitchen  

tidy kitchen
(this is not my kitchen but a lovely one from Pinterest – author unknown)

Neatness Counts

I admit that I’m a little OCD at times (OK — mostly) and I feel best when my house is neat and clutter-free. Not only does clutter have it’s own energy (that weighs you down) but excess “stuff” makes house cleaning more burdensome. This is especially true in the kitchen.  I like my counter tops free of gadgets (no bulky coffee machines or mixers). If I can’t find storage for it under the counter, then I’d rather live without it. My refrigerator is also neat and clutter-free. I avoid buying in bulk by shopping more frequently. Not only for fresher vegetables, but for a less crowded fridge that’s neatly organized.

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